woensdag 14 maart 2012

Spring time? Cocktail time!

It's time for spring and it is time to start thinking about sitting outside, a new pair of shades and.... cocktails!!! We selected a nice cocktails for you!

The screwdriver never gets old:

  • 6-8 cubes (cracked) Ice
  • 2 measures vodka
  • to top up, orange juice

Fill a chilled glass with chracked ice. Pour vodka over ice and top up with orange juice. Stir well to mix and decorate with a slice of orange.

Pina Colada 
If you want to pass the spring and go right on to the summer try this one! Also a great song!

  • 1/4 shot white rum
  • coconut cream
  • pineapple juice


Mix together with ice and serve in a large decorative glass with a chunk of pineapple on the rim, a cherry,a cocktail umbrella and two straws. (you choose how much rum to cream of coconut and pineapple juice)

Bloody Mary
You hate it or you love it.. Not only cocktail, but also a gruesome legend!

  • 4 -6 cubes (cracked) Ice
  • 1 dash Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 dash tabasco sauce
  • 1 measure vodka
  • 6 measures tomato juice
  • 1/2 a lemon worth lemon juice
  • 1 pinch celery salt
  • 1 pinch cayenne pepper

Put the cracked ice into a shaker. Dash the Worcestershire sauce and Tobasco sauce over the ice and pour in the vodka, tomatoe juice and lemon juice. Shake vigorously until a frost forms. Strain into a tall, chilled glass, add a pinch of celery salt and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Decorate with celery stick and/ or slice of lemon.

Purple rain 
Purple like the song!

1/2 shot grenadine
1/2 shot peach schnapps (archers)
1/2 shot white rum
3 count lemonade
3 count sweet & sour mix
1/2 shot Blue Curacao


Fill a collins glass 3/4 full with ice. Add grenadine and peach schapps and white rum into glass. Then fill with sweet and sour and lemonade. Drizzle around the edge of the glass with Blue curacao.

Flaming Lamborghini Cocktail 
The Flaming Lamborghini Cocktail is not a cocktail for 'school nights'. Drink at own risk ;)

  • 1 shot kahlua
  • 1 shot Bailey's Irish Cream
  • 1 shot Blue Curacao
  • 1 shot sambuca
  • matches

Layer Sambuca over kahlua in narrow glass and pour a shot of baileys into one shot glass and blue curacao into another. Place straw into layered kahlua and sambuca and ignite sambuca. Then drink before straw melts and as last dregs of sambuca are being drunk pour in baileys and blue curaƃ§ao at the same time. These are to be drunk through the straws at the same time

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