Since then, there hasn't been much BBQ-ing, because it was about -17°C (or 1,4°F) this winter. But that's all finally in the past so we can start looking forward to the summer again.
So what's in store for this year's BBQ season? Let's start with an all time favourite: Chicken on a Beercan. It might sound a little strange at first, but trust us, it is EPIC.
What do you need?
- 1 whole 2kg chicken
- 1 pint of a beer of choice (as long as it's in a can)
- Fresh Basil
- Fresh Thyme
- Fresh Dill
- Fresh Oregano
- Chicken Seasoning
- Wood Smoking Chips (optional)
- A hot Barbeque
What to do?
Step 1: Let's start easy. Drink half of the pint of beer. Don't throw it away, don't spoil, drink it.
Step 2: Season the chicken with the seasoning herbs. Just use the basic stuff from the super market and rub it all over the chicken. Don't apply too thick, you don't want to make the flavour from the other herbs to waste and its mainly to add some color to the chicken.
Step 3: Put all the fresh herbs in the can of beer. Don't be shy, use a lot of herbs, this will only add to the flavour. Once you crammed all the herbs in the can, put it on the kitchen counter.
Step 4: Take the seasoned chicken and shove the can with the beer and herbs cocktail in the chicken's you-know-what (trust me, that feels weird). Once it's in there, it should look like this:
Step 5: Prepare the BBQ for indirect cooking and put a metal leaking tray in the center of the BBQ, between the coals.
Step 6: Put the chicken in the center of the BBQ, put the lid on it and leave it there for about 2 hours. If you want to, you can sprinkle some Smoking chips over the coals to give an extra smoky flavour to the chicken. Your not obliged, though. After about 2 hours, it should look like this:
Step 7: All that's left is to eat it! Enjoy - it's LEGENDARY
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