woensdag 8 februari 2012

Difficult cooking techniques

Cooking an egg is an easy Job, so is making spaghetti or putting a sausage on the grill. Of course there are also very difficult tasks in the kitchen. For instance, can you poach an egg? Beneath you can see a list of 5 difficult cooking techniques. They don't necessarily have to be in this order; we will let you decide in the poll on the right what the most difficult technique is!

Poaching eggs: Poaching egg is a technique where you put an egg in boiling water, without the shell. Poaching originates from the French word ‘poche’, which means ‘pocket’. Poached eggs look like egg yolk in a pocket. You can see how it is done in the YouTube video below.

Making pizza dough:  Nowadays you can by all-ready pizza dough in a supermarket. It is in a box with tomato sauce en the paper for baking it in the oven. Just roll it out, put the tomato sauce on it with your own ingredients and you’re ready to go! But who doesn’t know the Italian pizza bakers who swing the dough above their heads. Do you still think that’s easy?!

Flipping pancake’s: Who doesn’t like pancakes on Sunday morning. Put Maple syrup on them and you’re good to go! Flipping burgers is easy, so is flipping a pancake with the right tool! But how about flipping it with just the pan just like in the video below!

Making mayonnaise: It’s easy to get mayonnaise in a tube or in a jar, put it on your French Fries and be done with it! But have you ever tried to make it yourself? Making perfect emulsions is not as easy as it looks!

Beef wellington: The YouTube clip below is very short and Gordon Ramsay makes it look easy! But have you have tried to make this yourself. There is a very big chance you use Gordon Ramsay’s favourite word!

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